Friday, 19 December 2014

The offer provide services

Finland started to experience it from the middle of the last decade. Soft drinks from vending machines in the subway or on the street, in mobile recharge api the fast-food meals, parking or car washes are all services that Helsinki users of a local.

Manager can perform using their mobile phones, the function of purse electronic is protected by a four-digit PIN code. If we look at these issues, there is a scope of applications capable, perhaps even more multimedia.

To turn the cell phone from a business related to the item to one centered on services. It is rooted on the most advanced applications of interactivity and network: the cell phone will become a kind of universal remote, for example, able to open the door of your car.

Finally, there is the fourth largest network, the more homogeneous. Internet appears today as a monument to knowledge and communication built by mobile recharge api millions of people over the last thirty years. Represents the most colossal work of man in the twentieth century.

Also, recorded growth rates ever occurred in the history of mankind. It seems that the network can only speak in terms of records. But it is so. It has mobile recharge api been estimated that it will provide quasi3 billion documents. But it is the superficial part of the network.

In the underlying layer, not visible to the public are connected on-line databases, dynamic pages, intranets that form the so-called deep web, the deep web, where are buried more than 550 billion mobile recharge api documents.

These data are in some cases very focused. The only sites of NASA and the National Climatic Data Center contains between il7 and 8% of the total. Yet the killer application of the Internet, its driving force for development and success, were not the content, but the e-mail.

It is estimated that in the past year have been sent over 610 billion e-mail, for a footprint computer between 12,000 and 20,000 terabytes, exchanged a total of mobile recharge api over half a billion electronic boxes.

Internet and its applications, then, are spreading information and knowledge with an extension never experienced before in the history of mankind; You are basically activating a process of democratization of data flow irreversible and enormous social impact.

The number of Internet users continues to grow. At the end of 2001 took place the historic passing (in absolute values) Europe (155 million users) on the United States (149 million), two companies that together have 2/3 of the world's Internet users.

But if we go to the national percentage of penetration of the total population, the United States maintains the lead with more than 50% (in practice an American on two), the other OECD countries with 28% and so on up to 0.4% the countries of South Asia.

Enhanced in quality and quantity

All or almost have a cell phone. The old mobile phone, as we have known it for years is destined to die. And 'away the time at which the telephone was considered as a system of communication between humans. Today digital phones speak the language of the computer and the interlocutors.

Also in this case, does not necessarily need to be more human beings. You may have a human-machine or machine-machine communication. That's why it is essential to a functional mobile recharge api integration between mobile, Internet and personal computers.

What we are witnessing is the race for an increase and a differentiated services. Gradually we went and we are moving toward a new mobile phone with which we increasingly surf the web, chat, play games, send digital postcards and video messages, communicate with messaging systems company, do online trading and financial transactions of all kinds.

The current mobile phones with GPRS system (and in future those of third generation) we are getting used to the idea of a true multimedia terminal: have a keyboard, microphone, speaker, with advanced memory devices capable of seating more large amounts of data and a microprocessor that allows the execution of sophisticated programs.

We have from time to mobile recharge api phones that are controlled by voice, which feature large display, even, and that allow a range of services such as access to email and internet, functions until recently reserved for the computer fixed.

What we have before us will also be a Mobile Information Society, where most media converge, differentiated and customized according to the user's needs and styles, thanks to solutions that hold hands the subscriber, by sending it, according to a set of rules, many options, proposals and tailored content.

In the world of consumer applications, the most innovative services are provided for mobile recharge api young people. The penetration of mobile in the age group between 15 and 29 years was 80% in Scandinavia, 73% in Japan, but only 15% in the United States.

Where those who have more persuaded by cellular and are people aged between 50 and 59 years. With a penetration rate of 59%. The interest of the companies that will be to mobile recharge api design products and services actually usable and accepted by people and not just those.

They provide interesting applications for services in-car, based on the integration of radio, navigation, locator and display quality (not less than six inches, already designed for road mapping). With a resolution much higher than that of portable telephones.

Vehicle mobile recharge api navigation, the mobile information and location services are business promising for the future, which could revolutionize the automotive world in general and individual mobility. One of the many new features of the phone will be that micro payments or authority from the terminal as an electronic wallet.

Television is a black box

This is true both on the range of 2-3 hours daily consumption per (Germany and the Netherlands, together with India, Pakistan and Ecuador) than on that of 3-4 hours Italy, Canada and Great Britain, together with Turkey, the Philippines and Lithuania and over.

LE4 hours (United States and Japan together with Bulgaria and Latvia). If we consider the telecommunications network, show a similar differentiation mobile recharge api in the distribution of telephone lines between developed countries and developing countries.

They range from 7-8 per 10 inhabitants in North America and Western Europe in mobile recharge api 1-3 lines every 10 inhabitants in Central and South America, Asia and Africa. As for television, whether in fixed telecommunications.

There has been over the last 20 years a significant growth that involved both rich countries and poor. In 1980 20% of the world's population by 80% of the telephone lines. But unlike the development of television, after fifteen years the mobile recharge api percentages for the various regions of the world remained virtually unchanged.

In practice, the consistent growth in absolute demand for telephone lines in recent years has renewed with similar proportionality differences existing between the various continental areas. Built and developed over many decades, telephone networks and television have given a new dimension in the world, with quite a few differences between them.

The first, based on connectivity, it has always been a network without content, the content was provided by the users at both ends of the line. Technology that ran these two networks was the mobile recharge api daughter of the culture of the twentieth century and its logic of division and conflict.

Especially television, considered an instrument of control of public opinion, has always been segmented and protected by national borders and languages. Television networks and telecommunications (the latter for reasons primarily industrial rather than political) have always stood for the differentiation of standards.

As an instrument of division of spheres of influence. And so in the century of conflicts between fascism and communism, between East and West, between nations against each other armed, telecommunications and television have been protected as a national domain, for political and industrial.

And so we had the television screen divided between a mobile recharge api standard European 625-line and 525-line one American; color contested between European standards PAL and SECAM and NTSC American; Finally videotaping settled after a bloody battle on a commercial standard VHS of JVC.

Which was less efficient than the Sony and Philips V2000, but had had the foresight to build a large industrial sign of support. With the rise of digital you start the process of unification and standards are exceeded around common platforms.

The characteristics of devices

Before each system had its own language, today's systems are very different can move content and allow more and more advanced levels of not only between man and machine, but also between machines. Simultaneously, the European television has come off.

Over the last 15 years, the reliance on a single mode distribution: that over the air. The continental system is hybrid in the manner of distribution by mobile recharge api cable and satellite, resulting in a model of television that is likely to grow in the coming years.

In total the European homes equipped with television should go from 76 million recorded at the end of 2000 to over 98 million by 2005, an increase of 28.1%. The process, which will be facilitated by further growth in the number of TV channels via cable and satellite, and with the introduction of digital technologies in the sector of the terrestrial.

Will have a considerable impact on the audience of traditional television and in the long run will cause a phenomenon of fragmentation audience far greater than the current one. The highest growth is expected in Italy itself, where you should go from million.

Homes in million mobile recharge api homes (equal to 1/4 of the total households), with an increase of over 250%. This is the context for all the nineties, the development of the third large network, the mobile phone. As the fixed telecommunications privilege connectivity, the physical location of the station where people are looking for work or live.

With the mobile phone looks and wins mobile recharge api a new principle: that of continuous availability, mobility, personal communications. At global level, the mobile telecommunication's sector is expected to further growth nothing short of explosive.

The latest estimates predict that within four years the mobile phone users in the world will be nearly a billion and a half, that is, more than those of fixed telephony, equal to three times the users of personal computers.

Wireless technology is the only technology to Italy where the national penetration rates are not lower than those mobile recharge api of the leader countries. These rates are not only higher than the US, but they are pretty much in line with those of Scandinavian countries, pioneers and leaders in this field.

Then there are the basis for developing innovative platforms also exportable, provided you perfections is a sustainable business model, related to market expectations that real applications designed to win the favor of the potential user.

The phenomenon of the mobile recharge api explosion of mobile telephony is not exhausted in fact increasing consumption that we all thought. Now we have reached a saturation level of the phone market.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

To be carefully evaluated

Checks carried A.S.P. Must in all cases respect the following principles: necessity: the data processed during the control activities must be always and only those strictly necessary to achieve the purposes of allowing you to monitor and aim to reduce public spending, both for damage mobile recharge api assets already in place.

Either by acting as a deterrent against improper behavior and potentially harmful, so their omission would lead to direct pecuniary liability borne by the Company; proportionality: the controls should always be carried out in such a way as to ensure, in a particular case, the relevance and limits of the information collected to the objective pursued and specified;

Impartiality: checks mobile recharge api must be carried out on all telephone equipment made available by the Company and consequently may involve all users of the same, for whatever reason have assigned instruments. Impartiality also must ensure extraction systems.

For performing random sample checks and in no case can be made and repeated controls targeted against specific individuals with persecutors or discriminatory purpose or deliberately sanctions. The spot checks can be made only on the basis of specific, objective and detailed reports; d) transparency and fairness: according to this principle.

The administration has put in place all necessary actions to ensure the prior knowledge on the part of all parties potentially subject to the controls of this Regulation. They must therefore be made aware of possible controls all parties operating in any capacity with any relationship to the Company.

Protection of personal data: the mobile recharge controls must in any case be made respecting the dignity and personal freedom of individuals under control while also ensuring the confidentiality of personal data collected during the testing procedure.

The data must be handled only by those previously designated as responsible and processors. Checks mobile recharge api should be made according to the regulations regarding the protection of personal data and in particular the requirements of Article. Of the Code.

The current regulations concerning the handling of personal data is described in the Consolidated Decree of 30 June 2003, n. 196, entitled Code concerning the protection of personal data which came into force il1 January 2004 and known as the Privacy Code. For the processing of personal data, according to the current Code of privacy.

Means any operation or set of operations, carried out without the aid of electronic instruments, concerning the collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, development, modification, selection, extraction, comparison.

It use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, erasure and destruction of data, even if not registered in a database. Responsible for mobile recharge api the data processing means, in accordance with art. Paragraph 1, letter.

Cards for internet browsing

The activation of these modes is the responsibility of the grantee and  billing and contacts with the mobile phone company will be borne by the assigned, if required, the mobile recharge api employee must sign a specific note containing the data necessary for billing of private telephone calls.

If the assigned were to make use of the Dual Billing own care will verify and/ or challenge the traffic consumption staff with mobile phone companies and in mobile recharge api no case the ASP will be party to any infringement of should be charged ASP amounts for personal consumption of traffic.

There will be automatic debiting of expenditure on skills due to the employee, subject to any additional profiles of responsibility in case of repeated behavior. Rechargeable is permitted, if the conditions of use make it necessary and in view of a containment of expenditure with reference to the payment of the government license fee.

The use of SIM cards rechargeable. In such cases, the cards will be made out of the ASP, calls to load the ASP will be enabled for the profile A referred to in article5 The cost of activation of the is borne of the ASP, which will through the Bursar's headquarters, as well as calls to the company's telephone network.

Lists external numbers permitted, while the cost of the off-net traffic is included in the employee who will pay the relevant amount in the said treasurer. Subsequent refills will be made directly by the employee assigned with at its own expense.

System of mobile recharge api checks and controls The ASP, in compliance with regulations on the protection and privacy of personal data, in accordance with the mentioned Law No. 244 of 24/12/2007, as amended, applies a system of checks on the use the correct telephone users according to the principles and methods described below in this Regulation.

The Company carries out checks on all mobile phone tools made available by the ASP same in order to mobile recharge api verify the correct use. Checks are carried out on the basis of information provided by telephone operators to competent structure.

The information must include: the total volume of telephone traffic (relative to the timing of both the mobile recharge api amount) of outgoing calls charged to the Company for services in voice/ data for each individual utilities, the detail of telephone traffic.

Including date/ hour/ call duration, called number (last three digits are omitted) for each single user, data volume exchanged with regard to the internet/ data traffic. The information relating to expenditure on individual utilities are periodically transmitted to the Heads of the structures to which are assigned the utilities themselves.

Requests for assignment note

In the notice shall be indicated in particular, in addition to the phone number, the number of corporate and the number assigned to the phone (IMEI), in order to allow the operation of immediate blocking of the SIM card and/ or mobile phone.

If the theft or loss occur in circumstances where it is not possible to communicate with said Referent of Telephony Company, mobile recharge api the assigned must personally to the SIM lock by calling the mobile operator Following the report of the declaration of loss/ theft the referent of.

Telephony Company will arrange the procedures for immediate blocking of the SIM card and/ or mobile phone, to the replacement of the SIM card and/ or the phone, at the times and in the manner established. In case mobile recharge api of loss/ theft of a mobile ASP.

By the Director General, may, by way of compensation, by withholding payroll, the amount that will be required by the Manager of the Mobile Phone Service owner of the goods. In case of repeated loss, theft or whatever, the allocation of mobile equipment may be revoked by the Director General.

The ASP also reserves, by the Director General, may revoke or suspend the allocation of mobile equipment for non-use, for business needs, or for any other reason, with the requirement for the user to immediate delivery good to the referent of the Mobile Phones business.

The management and disposal of the mobile phone out mobile recharge api of order will take place according to the procedure by the Corporate Service Asset, which the Coordinator of Corporate Telephony will do reporting.

It is prohibited to use for personal purposes of cellular service and services of the mobile network company. Assigners of mobile service is allowed the right to use the same for private calls or otherwise different from those of the service.

Just in case of contract Dual Billing (double billing), through code that allows you to charge the costs to the private use on the account owner's personal users. This power is exercised through the fulfillment of the procedures provided.

By the telephone company, the rates specified. In this case the cost of calls made for reasons other than that the service mobile recharge api will be charged directly to the user who will have the option to subscribe privately with the phone company.