Sunday, 21 September 2014

Information on the mobile recharge api

Development of a mobile application for iPhone mobile recharge api that allows access to the Moodle LMS During the first iteration of our project the beginning of the learning phase took place iOS development for mobile devices.

Familiarity with the architecture of web services of Mobile, and the performance of the authentication process of the application by using Oath to communicate with Web services.

The main structure was also designed application screens, without making use of data initially collected server, adapting its appearance and user interactions to applications for mobile devices, and explained above.

So then we started to include some main features of the application, starting the design of the data model, which would continue during the second iteration of the project.

The second iteration, which took place during the second quarter, was the greatest stage achievements in the application development, based mainly to the mobile recharge api increased availability of time.

And already be more familiar with the project environment. This iteration of the project was based on creating final model application data, continuing the process of creating functionality for this, as we adapted the content obtained web services.

Previously stored in the system, and designed for our application screens. Its over developing reading functionalities or mobile recharge api query data from the server to start the features of writing that had been planned.

Furthermore, we performed the management of connection in connection with connection requests to the server to check or post new data, and notifications would be added to inform the user of possible problems or relevant system information.

Finally, there was the writing of the project report, we would achieve the completion of the development of our project. The planning of any software project is important for achieving the objectives proposed.

As usual, we can say that our project has suffered a series of delays in planning tasks because of delay involves an initial allowance for take more time than previously estimated.

However, it has been possible to carry out most part of the objectives of the set time. Then show a GATT chart in the timing of our project, and a description of the different tasks we have undertaken and their duration time.

If you select the option from the main screen notes will access the list of User ratings separately for each course. From this screen the user will see the note, but select a particular we note the list to see the detailed information including feedback mobile recharge api from the teacher.

If participants select the option from the main screen will access the List of participants in each of the courses of the user logged into the system, separated by the course to which they belong.

If you select any of them, we see a screen that shows your profile with your details and select the option avatar. Si courses from the main screen will access a listing on we see the forums, resources and tasks for each of the courses belonging to the logged in user.

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